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Robert Tracy Discussses Dress Code Discrimination in New York Law Journal
Robert Tracy co-authored the article “Are dress codes and grooming policies a source of potential liability for employers?” for the New York Law Journal’s Fashion Law issue published on August 26, 2019. Recently, state and local governments have passed new laws and increased enforcement of existing laws to protect employees from discrimination based on race or gender identity or expression in the workplace. In the article, they review the new guidance and discuss best practices for employers to update their dress and grooming policies and practices.
Read the full article.
Robert Tracy is Chair of Gibney’s Labor and Employment Group. He practices management-side labor and employment law and business litigation. Bob keeps clients informed of changing employment laws and develops strategic employment policies to avoid litigation, maintain a healthy work culture and minimize risk. He has conducted seminars on employment issues including ADA, FMLA, sexual harassment and union avoidance.