Case Studies

tailored approach

Strategic Partnering

When the Administration’s Executive Orders restricting travel were released, our global life sciences client was concerned about the ability of its employees to travel internationally to further its ground-breaking research initiatives. We assessed the legal implications, identified impacted employees and collaborated with our client to develop a corporate action plan.

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When the Executive Orders restricting travel were released, our global life sciences client was concerned about the ability of its employees to travel internationally to further its ground-breaking research initiatives. We immediately assembled our team to assess the legal implications of the ban and identify and counsel impacted foreign nationals. We developed a corporate action plan consistent with the message our client wished to convey to its employees.


Although the population directly impacted by the travel ban was relatively discreet, we recognized that the Executive Orders caused significant concern among the foreign national population at-large. The company’s executives, managers and HR and global mobility professionals were also concerned about the impact on business travel and the ability to attract and retain foreign talent.

We quickly launched a company-wide, global webinar to address employees and engage company stakeholders including leaders, global mobility, travel and security personnel and advocacy partners, to advise on who could travel and what to expect. We also addressed policies on carrying company laptops and equipment and what to expect at U.S. consulates abroad and at immigration inspection upon arrival in the U.S. We supplemented this webinar with ongoing legal updates and travel advisories. Armed with this information and secure in the support from the legal team and the company, the employees were able to resume focus on their important work.
